Simplifying strategies, tips, and techniques to be followed in Kitchen which are collected from different sources are here for you from Bhojana's Smart Samayal Tips.....
Cook pasta 1 minute less than the package instructions and cook it the rest of the way in the pan with sauce.
Vegetables roast at different speeds so cut to the right size to make
sure they all cook evenly. Soft vegetables like Brinjals cook faster
so cut these up larger. Hard vegetables like Raddish and Cluster beans take longer to
cook so chop up finer.
After working with garlic, rub your hands vigorously on your
stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will remove
the odor.
When you deep-fry, hold each piece of food with long tongs as you put it to the oil. Hold it just below the oil's surface for five seconds
before releasing it. This will seal the exterior and stop it from
sticking to the pot or the other food.
To make a great sandwich, spread the mayonnaise from corner to
corner on the bread. People rush this step and just do a swoosh down the
middle. Every bite should be flavorful. Now that's a sandwich!
After cutting corn off the cob, use the back side of a knife (not
the blade side) to scrape the cob again to extract the sweet milk left
behind. This milk adds flavor and body to any corn dish.
For safety, put a wine cork on the tip of a knife before putting the knife in a drawer.
For perfect vegetable soup, start with diced carrots, onions,
peppers and tomatoes sautéed in oil or butter before you add any liquid.
This brings out the taste and caramelizes the sugars.
Want to know if your oil is hot enough for frying? Here’s a tip:
Stick a wooden skewer or spoon in the oil. If bubbles form around the
wood, then you are good to go.
Make sure the handle of your sauté pan is turned away from you so
you don't hit it and knock it off the stove. It happens all the time.